Private Event
Name: Gina Moell
Phone #: (716) 879-5313
Date: 10/14/2024
Time: 07:00 am | Ends at: 12:00 am
Address: 2995 River Rd, Tonawanda, NY 14207
Number of Attendees: 250
Description: Hi , General Motors is having a health fair week of Oct 14-18th. We have 3 shifts 5 days a week anytime you can accomadte would be great for lunch breaks days would be 11amm-1pm
evenings would be 430pm-630pm and midnights 11pm -1am or what ever you could do. Each shift has at least 200 employees here. we are located at 2995 River Rd.
Gina Moell is contcat 716-879-5313 7-3pm